
Who am I?

Bayview site | January 28th, 2024

January 28, 2024 • Pastor Susie Choi • Judges 6:11–12

Who am I?

Speaker: Pastor Susie Choi

Scripture: Judges 6:11-12

Spiritual identity means we are not what we do or what people say about us. And we are not what we have. We are the beloved daughters and son of God.

—Henri Nouwen

I wonder what/who had a notable impact on how you see yourself?

Our environment, our experiences, our choices, and our relationships can significantly impact our perspective about ourselves, others and the world. How do we navigate through a world saturated with so many clamouring voices that tries to define us?

Lets journey together as we turn to Judges 6 today to glean biblical insight about our identity.

1. Anchor: Be rooted in who God says we are.

2. Beacon: Know that God has a vision and a purpose for your life, He knows who he’s created us to be.

3. Compass: Walk by faith and not by sight, steering away from making permanent decisions based on temporary circumstances.

When we are able to live in authenticity of who we are and whose we are, our lives are lifted up as worship unto the Lord.