
Into the Wilderness

Downtown Markham site | July 7th, 2024

July 7, 2024 • Pastor Angela Luk • Luke 5:16

Into the Wilderness

Speaker: Pastor Angela Luk

Scripture: Luke 5:16

But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.

—Luke 5:16 (NLT)

The Problem: The fast pace of our world makes it difficult to pull away from our constant state of working so that we can slow down and spend essential time with God. Many of us have devalued the importance of spending regular time with God by giving the priority to the next thing on our to-do list (this is a DAILY decision).

Central Idea: Sometimes it takes letting go of our control over certain things in our life to gain greater control and freedom over the more essential things in our life.

What is the example Jesus is setting that so purposefully contradicts the flow of society?

• Jesus retreated to teach others to do the same.

• The reason Jesus was able to constantly pour into the lives of other people was because he himself allowed himself to be poured into on a regular basis.

• Solitude provided the time and space for Jesus to be led and influenced by the will and desires of the Father.

Our Response:

• Make it a habit - set a rhythm

• Find accountability - tell someone about your intentions

• Give God first priority in your daily schedule - lock it in before anything else

If one route is not working…explore and be willing to take a different route into the wilderness!