
Lost & Found

Bayview site | July 7th, 2024

July 7, 2024 • Pastor Aaron Owen • Luke 15:1–10

Lost and Found

Speaker: Pastor Aaron Owen

Scripture: Luke 15:1-10

The more valuable or important an item you lose, the more time, care & effort you’ll put into trying to find it

Jesus’ message to the Pharisees & teachers of the law wasn’t simply to describe God’s heart for the lost & His joy over 1 sinner who repents; Rather, Jesus was also speaking to the condition of the hearts of these religious leaders


1. Emphasis is on the ‘lostness’, not sinfulness (getting lost)

2. It’s not a person who’s lost, it’s a thing (sheep/coin)

3. Jesus is pointing out how the Pharisees & teachers would act, NOT how God would act (“Which of you…”, v.4)

Jesus’ intention: to emphasize people seeking after lost THINGS, not God seeking after lost people.

Jesus & the religious leaders had things in common, but the key difference is that while the religious leaders cared about lost possessions, Jesus cared about lost PEOPLE

JESUS’ MAIN POINT – The way we care about lost possessions that matter to us is the way God cares about lost PEOPLE

• If you lost something of value to you, you’d do the same as the shepherd or the woman

• You’d be really happy if you found what you lost that’s of value to you

• The difference between you & Jesus is that while you respond this way towards your lost possessions, Jesus responds this way towards lost PEOPLE