
...We Stand In The Struggle


October 17, 2021 • Ephesians 6:10–12

I remember when I was a kid playing in construction areas where bulldozers had push up huge piles of sand or dirt. We would run up and down, ride our Schwinn Stingray up and down (BMX wasn't yet a "thing"), and almost without fail, there was one game that always broke out.

King of the Mountain. (or Hill)

Whoever makes it to the top is the King. Everyone runs up the hill to try and knock the king off the hill. Then you're the king, until someone knocks you off. And so on...

Why do you want to be the person at the top?

Because you have tactical advantage. You can see what's coming. And we all know what's coming. Someone is going to try to knock us down.

This is an interesting metaphor for life, and very much the life of a Christian.

There is something amazing that happens when we STAND in the STRUGGLE, relying up on the strength of God instead of our own, using the tools that He has given us and the assurance of victory.