
53. Up To The Festival + COWBOY SZN (Feat. Kyle Thomas!) (John 7:1-9)

November 30, 2021 • Trey Hill & Austin Hardcastle, Producer Maggie

🔥SZN 5🔥

Intro: 0:00
Bible Study Portion: 15:06
Hangout Portion: 43:43

Welcome back to the Hangout everyone! We did it, start of a new chapter AND start of a new season. we hope you didn't miss us too much. We missed you guys. how have you been? What's new with you? write in to the show podcast@reviveevents.com to let us know.

We've got a great one for you today featuring brand new friend of the pod Kyle Thomas! Kyle and the boys talk about Jesus going up for the Festival of Booths and what exactly he planned on doing there!

Next we head on over to the Hangout where we have a MINDBLOWING round of Name that Tuna followed by everyone's favorite, OVERHYPED/UNDERPRAISED.

You can follow Kyle on instagram - @kylethomasofficial
Follow him on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/1CDdsQc0lfdoo7uO0F9whM?si=M_hQaCAlRj6mQTBJkbITWQ
Follow him on Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/kyle-thomas/1578198014

Winter Revive 2022 is rapidly approaching! We will be at Camp Blue Lake on January 14-16, 2022 and we would love to have you there! Check out reviveevents.com or follow us at instagram.com/reviveevents

If you'd like to support Revive, you can set up an Amazon smile account at smile.amazon.com. Search for "Bridge-a Joseph Company Inc" and shop as you normally would!

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You can follow Revive Worship on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0g5SkcEyJ0ILdAabG9OLkB?si=ovFXqNfwSECqK4OGAPk9wQ

Make sure to like us on Facebook to be entered into a drawing to win a $20 Chickfila gift card. Details on our page (Uncle Trey and Austin's Bible Study Hangout). Also, you can follow us on instagram @revivepodcast

You can email us any thoughts, questions, or concerns at podcast@reviveevents.com and we will make sure that Producer Maggie gets back to you in a timely manner.

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