
Sin Among The Saints

1 Corinthians 4:14-21; 5

April 9, 2014 • Pastor John Miller

“I am writing this not to shame you but to warn you as my dear children. Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. Therefore I urge you to imitate me…Some of you have become arrogant, as if I were not coming to you. But I will come to you very soon, if the Lord is willing, and then I will find out not only how these arrogant people are talking, but what power they have. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a rod of discipline, or shall I come in love and with a gentle spirit?”—I Corinthians 4:14-21

The Apostle Paul warns the people and appeals to their hearts in tenderness that they would live in faithfulness and humility. Paul counsels the Church, informs believers to choose godly living and cautions those overconfident in their walk with God. The Lord calls his children to holiness and pure conduct keeping watch of any temptation. For the good of all Christian brothers and sisters, may we pray and do as Paul did as he declared and advised against sin, debauchery and immorality warning others of its danger.

Pastor John Miller continues our series through the book of 1 Corinthians with an expository message through 1 Corinthians 4:14-13; 5 titled, Sin Among The Saints.

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