
Conference Fundraiser

Every year our annual conference blesses many believers in the Kingdom of God and we are so grateful for that! Every year it takes finances and we solely rely on God to bless others and for them to bless us through the heart of generosity. That's the only way we make this happen!

Many may ask what are the funds used for...

We pay for speakers flights, hotels, all food while they are at the conference

We pay for the venue that we use

We pay for the food that feeds our volunteers

We also pay each of our speakers for coming out and using their gifts to bless us.

There are many different options as to what you can give, and we pray that each would give according to the measure that God has instructed them. We don't solicit gifts out of compulsion or begging, we only want to be a blessing!

With that being said, we are eternally grateful for your gift. And every person that is going to attend Bringing Back The Ark conference is also grateful for your gift as well.

Thank you.