March 14, 2021 • Curtis Jetton • Galatians 3:15–24
Christians struggle with how our conduct fits into the grace of God and His covenant promises. This sermon addresses how Paul deals with that tension.
Look to the Cross
March 7, 2021 • Curtis Jetton • Galatians 3:1–14
We continue in chapter 3 of our sermon series on Galatians. The gospel did not change in the New Testament. It has always been the same. Look to the Cross.
Don't Forget Who You Are in Christ
February 28, 2021 • Curtis Jetton • Galatians 2:17–21
Galatians 2:17-21
Jesus tears down the identity you've been working on all your life and gives you a new one.
We Can't Justify Ourselves
February 21, 2021 • Robby Wilson • Galatians 2:15–16
3rd Sermon in Danger of a Different Gospel Sermon Series: Galatians 2:15-16