
Wise Living

Faith and Fear in a World with COVID-19

Wise Living - Part 8 - In Need of a Nap

April 26, 2020 • Jeremy Mulder

What do you do when you feel like the stress is going to overwhelm you? What happens when you hit that moment where you feel like, "none of it matters anymore?" The story of Elijah offers us some clues. After his greatest victory for Israel and for God, Elijah still feels like there is no reason to go on living and hides under a bush–but he doesn't stay there. So how does he go from hiding under a bush to running to the mountain of God? That's the question we'll consider in this sermon.

Wise Living - Part 7 - Settling In

April 19, 2020 • Jeremy Mulder

Most of us live our lives waiting for the next good thing to happen. We endure the circumstances of today because we have something to look forward to in the future. God's plan for his people, however, is that their knowledge of future security in Christ would give them the confidence to settle in to, and not just endure, their current circumstances.

Wise Living - Part 6 - Easter

April 12, 2020 • Jeremy Mulder

Jesus resurrection proves that He has overcome the grave; and if He can overcome the grave, believing that He has overcome the world is easy.

Wise Living - Part 5 - Good Friday

April 10, 2020 • Jeremy Mulder

To get to the feast, we have to walk through the sorrow. The Lord's Supper reminds us of our sorrow, while acting as a foretaste of the future feast.

Wise Living - Part 4 - Lament

April 5, 2020 • Jeremy Mulder

The Christian person is called to lament. To lament is to engage with the sorrow we are feeling even if, and perhaps especially when, what we are feeling may not line up with how things really are. Psalm 13 helps us discover what lament looks like and how we can bring our sorrows to God.

Wise Living - Part 3 - Hope in Uncertainty

March 29, 2020 • Jeremy Mulder

Peter writes to Christians who are living in uncertainty and he begins by reminding them of their foundation for hope. Jesus Christ has been revealed now so that, even in uncertainty, our faith and our hope are in God. That means rooting our lives in the imperishable inheritance that has been promised.

Wise Living - Back to Babel

March 22, 2020 • Jeremy Mulder

The story of the tower of Babel reminds us that sometimes the towers that we are building need to be left behind, because what looks like order to us might actually be chaos. The only way we'll know the difference is when they are disrupted. Thankfully, in moments of disruption, God desires to walk with us and show us the type of tower that he is building.

Wise Living - Proverbs 9:9-11

March 15, 2020 • Jeremy Mulder

Proverbs tells us that the surest foundation for wisdom is the fear of the Lord. As Christians, we can be confident in the face of uncertainty and walk with wisdom. But what does that look like in our current situation? Pastor Jeremy looks at three spiritual concepts that are incredibly important if we are to live wisely in these times.