
What the Moabite?!

Part 1

May 20, 2017 • Matt Rosenberg

The central theme of the book of Ruth is movement from emptiness to fulfillment. The story is understood as the telling of the chesed (loyalty) of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz. It is read in the synagogue on Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, in connection with the fifty days between Passover and Shavout. This story speaks of God’s desire to fulfill his promises to even through the most unlikely of people, even an outsider. Ruth is the unmistakable hero of the story as she commits to build the house of Israel by becoming the grandmother of King David. It is a story of how the God of Israel can move anyone from any nation from emptiness to fulfillment when they call on the name of Yeshua.

More from Ruth

Clearing A Debt

June 10, 2017 • Matt Rosenberg

Boaz is a Goel (Redeemer) who he purchases Naomi’s land from her, clears her debts, and takes Ruth as his wife. While many see Boaz as a perfect redeemer, the truth is he is a very flawed individual and not self-aware. Despite his selfishness and arrogance, God chooses to use him anyway. When we become self-aware we can walk into our destiny knowing that Yeshua is our perfect Goel. He redeems us, buys us back, and gives us everything we need to bring Him the glory only He deserves. We are not great because of anything in ourselves but rather we are able to do great things because we serve a great God!

When Stuff Happens

June 3, 2017 • Matt Rosenberg

When we are stuck it is hard for us to see past our current circumstances. If we trust in God and His plans for us we find that his loving-kindness never stops working for us. He is good even in the most difficult of situations! He always remains good and He works all things for the good of those who love Him.

From Disappointment to Hope

May 27, 2017 • Matt Rosenberg

In the book of Ruth Naomi is so disappointed with her circumstances that she blames God for "bringing calamity" on her. In reality, much of what happens comes from her decisions and own plan making. More often than not we make plans and ask God to bless them instead of asking God what his plans are and following Him. We try to lead God instead of following Him. If God is really God he doesn't need our plans to work out to keep His promises. He makes His own plans and through them he provides the rest that our restless hearts need to drive away disappointment and give us hope.