
Discipline pt. 2

Prayer Will Maximize Your Potential

April 22, 2017 • Aybars Uckun

Prayer is always a good way to start your day. Yeshua taught in the Sermon on that Mount that there’s a basic framework to prayer that is both simple and effective. God doesn't want us to be long winded or use overly complex wording; instead He desires that we talk to Him in plain language. When we apply discipline in our prayer lives by daily using the model shown to us in the Messiah’s Prayer, our faith will bloom and bring us to a place of intimacy with God. As our prayers become more effective, we will grow into the purposeful and dynamic people He created us to be! #maxoutyourpotential #discipline #prayerworks

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Discipline pt. 4

May 6, 2017 • Aybars Uckun

Fasting is when we forego food or other pleasures in order to achieve spiritual gain. Of all the spiritual disicplines, it is perhaps the most misunderstood. in today’s culture, many think of it in ritual terms or they deem it irrelevant. The scriptures show us that God places value on fasting and that when it is aligned with His purposes, it can have powerful restorative effects on us and our communities. When we discipline ourselves and seek God through fasting and prayer, we become realigned with our Creator. He uses seasons of fasting to maximize us and make us into the purposeful and dynamic people He created us to be! #maxoutyourpotential

Discipline pt. 3

April 29, 2017 • Aybars Uckun

Worship is defined as the act of assigning worth to something or someone. In our culture we see this happening in many ways; mankind has an expressed ability to elevate the importance of things like wealth, power, and fame. In and of themselves these things aren't bad, but when we make them the focus of our affections, we lose focus on what we were created for. God created us to be a dynamic and purposeful people who have mature faith. A key element of this faith is understanding that worship of the one true God is how we pass from just intellectually “knowing” Him to experiencing His presence. When we do this, worship becomes about more than the songs we sing in our congregations - it becomes a transcendent reality that changes our very way of life. Our potential becomes maximized as we tap into the power of our Creator that is made available to us through worshipping Him. #maxoutyourpotential

Discipline pt. 1

April 15, 2017 • Aybars Uckun

The word discipline is synonymous consistency, dedication, and focus. When we apply it in our lives we begin to grow and change. In our world, we see this message applied to the pursuit our dreams, how we change our financial situation, changes to our health, and any other areas where we want to achieve success. It’s the same with our faith; in order to acheive spiritual success, there are four key areas that God wants us to develop consistency in: daily reading of the scriptures, prayer, worship, and seasons of fasting. When we commit ourselves to the pursuit of these disciplines, we can reach our maximum potential and become the purposeful and dynamic people God has created us to be. #maxoutyourpotential