
The Colonization of Christmas

Part 2 - The Colonization of Jesus

December 8, 2018 • Matt Rosenberg

To make Jesus anything but Jewish is to colonize him, stripping his Jewishness from him and remaking him into any other image. This has happened all over the world where Jesus has been made into the image of other cultures with little or no Jewishness. Perhaps this is seen most vividly in the celebrations of his birth, Christmas. Along, with Jesus himself, the celebration of his birth has been colonized and we miss the heart of the birth narratives in the Gospels. In the birth of Yeshua, God keeps his promises to the Jewish people so that He could give Israel the mission to tell the nations that there in no other God than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

This message is part 2 of the series "The Colonization of Jesus."