

Torah Portion: Terumah - Part 2

February 24, 2018 • Matt Rosenberg

At Restoration we believe knowing Yeshua changes everything [Purpose]. “Knowing Yeshua” means having a relationship with him and when you know him you follow Him according to the Bible. As we follow we want to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Yeshua [Mission]. “Become” is important because no one has arrived at being fully devoted. We can all be more devoted followers of Yeshua. That is why we want to move people from where they are to where God wants them to be [Vision]. God created you, He formed you in your mothers womb, and He knows best the plans He has for you. Being in community helps each of us understand all that God has for us as individuals. As each person comes to terms with the idea that life is bigger than ourselves we put our gifts into strengthening the community. We follow Yeshua together. It’s like this: Yeshua changes everything. We follow Yeshua. He changes us, together.

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