In this exploration of stewardship, we're challenged to view our lives through a new lens. The parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-29 serves as our cornerstone, reminding us that God entrusts us with various resources - not just for safekeeping, but for growth and multiplication. This isn't just about money; it encompasses our time, talents, treasures, temple (our body), and testimony. As we delve into these areas, we're asked to consider: Are we truly using what God has given us to glorify Him and better His creation?

Stewardship Intro
Understanding Biblical Stewardship
January 26, 2025 • Pastor Jeff Hastings • Matthew 25:29, Matthew 25:14–29, Genesis 1:28
Stewarding the Gifts of the Spirit
February 23, 2025 • Pastor Jeff Hastings • 1 Corinthians 4:1
True New Testament Christianity includes stewarding the mysteries of God, including operating in the gifts of the Spirit. A.W. Tozer said, "A revival of true New Testament Christianity must surely bring with it a manifestation of spiritual gifts. Anything short of it will create a just suspicion that the revival is something short of scriptural."
The Journey of Stewardship
February 9, 2025 • Pastor Jeff Hastings • Matthew 25:14–29, Matthew 25:15
This sermon explores the biblical concept of stewardship, focusing on the stewardship of talents or God-given gifts. The pastor emphasizes that all abilities come from God and should be developed and used for His glory and the benefit of others. He explains how faithful stewardship leads to personal growth, promotion, and the building up of the church. The sermon encourages believers to recognize, develop, and actively use their spiritual gifts and natural talents.
Time and Stewardship
February 2, 2025 • Pastor Jeff Hastings • Matthew 25:14–29, Galatians 4:4–5, Ephesians 1:10, Colossians 4:5–6
In this powerful exploration of stewardship, we're challenged to view time as a precious gift from God. The message draws on the parable of the talents, reminding us that we're accountable for how we invest our time. We're introduced to two types of time: Chronos (linear time) and Kairos (opportune moments). As believers, we're called to 'redeem the time' by making the most of every opportunity.