

Leviticus 20:1-5

Brett Baggett • Leviticus 20:1–5


I. The LORD has much to say concerning child sacrifice—which in our day is called abortion (v. 1-q)

II. Child sacrifice is particularly evil because it is the slaughtering of a blessing the LORD has given (v. 2b)

III. Child sacrifice invokes both the physical and spiritual wrath of God (v. 2b-3a)

IV. Child sacrifice is an attack on the worship of God and glory of God (v. 3b)

V. The LORD has something to say to you who close your eyes or remain idle concerning child sacrifice happening in your land (v. 4)

VI. Closed eyes or idleness concerning child sacrifice invokes God’s wrath upon you and your family (v. 5a)

VII. Child sacrifice is principally an act of spiritual idolatry (v. 5b)

END: Your only hope to escape the wrath of God is the Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself as a sacrifice for sin! Turn from your sin, looking to Christ in faith, and live!

ETHICAL IVF? Dusty Deevers

September 10, 2022 • Dusty Deevers

How does God’s Word direct us to think about Ethical IVF? How does King Jesus, by Whom, through Whom, and for Whom all embryos exist, command our attention and affections regarding in vitro fertilization, and so-called “ethical IVF?” MY THESIS IS: God commands the creation of new human life as a fruit of the sacred, procreative communion of marriage with the bodies of the male husband and female wife as the sole parties to the enfleshment (becoming flesh) of the new life, and God taking their offering, knitting together and ensouling the new life in the mother’s womb. We must sanctify marriage and the God-ordained means, locus, and purpose of enfleshment and ensoulment.


September 15, 2022 • Brett Baggett • 1 John 4:10

INTRODUCTION: How can God righteously embrace anyone in His love when we all deserve to be justly strangled in His wrath? DOCTRINE: The happy promises of the love of God and the terrible threatenings of the justice of God, which can seem at times to be at odds, do perfectly harmonize and shine forth in the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. I. GOD IS LOVE (1 John 4:8). I) God manifested his love to man by creating man in His own image, and thereafter blessing him (Gen. 1:28). II) God also manifested his love to man by condescending to enter into a covenant of works with him (Gen. 2:16-17). III) After the fall, God manifested his love to man by condescending to enter into a covenant of grace with him (Gen. 3:15). IV) God shows His love by further revealing His covenant of grace to Abraham, that Christ would come through Abraham to bless the nations (Gen. 12:3). V) God then further reveals His love by proclaiming His name to Moses on the mount (Ex. 34:6). VI) God then even further reveals His love by reminding His people why He chose them (Deut. 7:7-8). II. GOD IS JUST (Deut. 32:4). I) Because God is just, God does what is just (Gen. 18:25). II) Because God is just, God loves justice (Ps. 33:5). III) Because God is just, God hates injustice (Isa. 61:8). IV) Because God is just, He will punish sinners (Nah. 1:2-3). III. AT THE CROSS OF CHRIST, JUSTICE IS SATISFIED AND LOVE IS MAGNIFIED FOR ALL WHO BELIEVE (1 Jn. 4:10). IV. THE GOSPEL IS THE GOOD NEWS THAT GOD IS JUST AND THE JUSTIFIER OF THE ONE WHO HAS FAITH IN JESUS (Rom. 3:25-27).


Brett Baggett • Luke 6:31–33