
A Thousand Candles

Follow The Leader

Hancock, NH

As we wrap up our series, Pastor Jim shares from our Hancock Campus, If we want to experience lasting transformation we need to stay close to our leader.

Follow The Leader

Amherst, NH

As we wrap up our series, Pastor Andy shares; when we follow the leader we walk in His favor.

Just Do It

Hancock, NH

The Bible doesn't change us, acting on what it says does... just do it.

Just Do It

Amherst, NH

When it comes to our spiritual lives and to the transformation God desires for us I think this is great advice... Just do it.

Power of Habit

Hancock, NH

Power of Habit: prayer is the power plant that energizes a life of heart-driven, daily habits reflecting Jesus.

Creature of Habit

Amherst, NH

Pastor Andy delivers a powerful message on being creatures of habit. Looking at the life of Daniel, how his small, behind the scenes prayer habits allow for him to have big moments of faith.

Mind Games

Hancock, NH

Changing our lives starts with changing our minds.

Mind Games

Amherst, NH

Renewing the mind enables us to see God’s promise, instead of the problem. We learn that the wrong mindset will never bring us to the right destination.

Less Is More

Hancock, NH

As we launch our new series, A Thousand Candles, our Hancock Campus took a look at how our resumes, heritage, accomplishments and failures do not define our lives before Christ. We look at three key things during this message; 1. Looking at our past through the lens of Christ’s worth. 2. Looking up in our present to see Christ’s death and life made our own. 3. Looking forward to the future as we press towards the prize in Jesus.

Less Is More

Amherst, NH

As we begin a new series, Pastor Andy shares on how simplicity empowers growth.