
Meekness in Perplexity


September 5, 2021 • Matthew 5:5, Exodus 4, 1 Peter 5:6–7

Moses is on his way toward his calling as a deliverer. The Lord uses Moses' staff, which represents the successes and failures of the past, to convince the Israelites of his calling. Soon he will use it as a miracle-working instrument to convince the Egyptians to free the Hebrew slaves. Even with a divine calling and an anointed staff, he would experience set backs that look like (and feel like) failure.
But doesn't being yoked together with the Lord in our kingdom calling guarantee success? Yes, as long as we measure success in the Lord's way and in the Lord's time. What does meekness look like when our forward progress is stalled or worse we feel like we're going backward? Join us for Meekness in Perplexity.

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