
Cover to Cover: Paul's Letters

The Story of the Bible

Romans: Gospel Power

Our lives are living testimonies of the Gospel, showcasing that in Christ, all can be transformed and redeemed

1 Corinthians: Love is ___

Where do you need Christ’s power to love the people in your life? The message of 1 Corinthians invites you to look at the cross. The cross humbles us. Compels us to sacrifice. Unites us as the body of Christ. At the cross, we find the power to love.

2 Corinthians: The Witness of Weakness

The Gospel declares that our weakness if our best witness. Our unrealized dreams; our struggle with mental health; our persistent battle with temptation; our lack of resources or influence: in Christ, our lack is gain.

Galatians: Freedom in Faith

The Gospel asserts that we are saved through faith by grace alone. But as time goes on, it can be easy to feel less needy; to begin relying on our own efforts; to take pride in our advancement. The message of Galatians draws us back to humble and life-giving reliance on Christ.

Ephesians: Empowered Living

Do you ever feel a disconnect between your beliefs and your behavior? In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he joins the two together. Paul shows how a deeper knowledge of Christ’s blessings empowers Christians to flourish in their living.

Philippians: Surprised by Joy

When our lives as Believers are geared around the mission of making Christ known, we can find purpose and contentment in any circumstance, even immense suffering. Here lies a joy that no one can take away.

Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ

Is Christianity just one of many spiritual practices? Is Jesus merely a great teacher among several others? Explore these questions in “The Supremacy of Christ”

1 & 2 Thessalonians: Present Pain, Future Glory

What we hope for shapes what we live for. Followers of Christ are able to live faithfully to God because they see things from the proper perspective! Any present discomfort or sacrifice is nothing in comparison to the glory that is to come at Christ’s return!

1 & 2 Timothy: The Godly Leader

To be faithful leaders, we don’t have to depend on our own power! Our inadequacy leads us to depend on the power of God, who draws near and strengthens us in our weakness

Titus: Reflective Lives

As citizens of God’s kingdom, what does our behavior tell the world about our King? How we live as followers of Christ is deeply significant, because we have the opportunity to reflect our savior to a world who does not know him!

Philemon: Forgiven to Forgive

Is there someone in your life who has hurt or wronged you? Forgiveness is a process that requires wisdom and discernment, but in its simplest form, it requires us surrendering punishment to God. Herein lies the power to do so: Christ reconciled himself to us while we were sinners, so we can forgive and love those who have hurt us.