
Psalm 91: In the Shadow of the Almighty

Psalm 91 encourages us to face our battles from within the security of God’s arms. It is God’s love and protection that enables us to walk in his victory. 

Psalm 92: A Heart at Rest

Can we as moms get a break from the overwhelming and nonstop sense of responsibility we take on? Psalm 92 leads our weary hearts to find abiding, Sabbath rest. 

Psalm 19: Declare his Glory

As a parent delights in the love of their child, so God our Father delights in our adoration. Psalm 19 leads us to worship God in beholding the beauty of his creation and his Word. 

Psalm 16: I Shall not be Shaken

We need constant reminding of who God is to us. Psalm 16 guides us in preaching God’s character and power to our hearts so that we might find solid ground to stand on.