
Numbers: God's Grace in Your Doubts

Cover to Cover I: Episode 6

Ever feel distant from or even done with God? When the Israelites doubted God in their journey through the desert, God continued to care for them in his grace. Whenever we doubt or turn from God, we can be assured that God will not leave us! The strength of God’s love is greater than the weakness of your faith.

Genesis I: God's Power in your Exhaustion

Feeling tired or discouraged? God’s power brought life to creation, and it brings life to our hearts through Christ! Instead of relying on yourself, you can look to God for his power to renew you.

Genesis II: Blessed to Be a Blessing

What has God blessed you with? God called Abraham and his family to live as vessels of his love, that he might bring blessing to the world through them. God calls his followers today to bless others and point them toward the ultimate blessing: Jesus!

Exodus I: God's Deliverance in Your Dependence

Do you feel as though you are at the end of yourself? God delivered the Israelites from their slavery in Egypt and miraculously parted a sea for them to cross as they depended on his power. If you feel God has led you to deep waters, His love has brought you to the place where you will get to experience his strength and deliverance.