
Faith I Don't Get It

January 7, 2018 • Mark Booth

It’s so sad to see Christians living with little sense of confidence. Yet the Bible is filled with references to the confidence that’s given to us in Christ! I think it’s due to the absence of searching hearts in believers. Maybe this timidity also flows from a lack of conscious awareness of His presence. Though I’m sure these result in a dearth of active commitment to our Lord in our lives lived out.
These make up a cycle of timidity, apprehension, uncertainty, and irresolution that only increase all of these negative realities in our lives. We’re so busy we don’t search for a growing awareness, so we’re not consciously aware of God’s constant presence with us, and we end up being fearful to really commit ourselves to Him, and others, in all we do. It’s a vicious cycle of defeat.
But Jesus said, “I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly!” It’s an exclamation, not a statement too! He really meant it, yet we don’t seem to find it.
As we begin this new year of 2018, I’d like to take you on a journey toward greater confidence. Whether you call it abundance or confidence, it’s the same difference. God intended us to live with an abundance, a confidence.
And, as with our salvation, this confident step into 2018 will being with faith. Today I begin this series with a message entitled, “Faith: Following God Even If You Don’t Get It!


February 4, 2018 • Mark Booth

You're Best Thinking

January 28, 2018 • Mark Booth

The addiction community has a statement that really cuts to the quick of human rational frailty and our absolute need for God’s mind-changing influence in our lives. That telling and powerful comment is this… “My Best Thinking got me here” And one of the most significant passages of Scripture that is used in the Christian recovery community is this… “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 NASB

Living by the Code II

January 21, 2018 • Mark Booth

It’s so sad to see Christians living with little sense of confidence. Yet the Bible is filled with references to the confidence that’s given to us in Christ! I think it’s due to the absence of searching hearts in believers. Maybe this timidity also flows from a lack of conscious awareness of His presence. Though I’m sure these result in a dearth of active commitment to our Lord in our lives lived out. These make up a cycle of timidity, apprehension, uncertainty, and irresolution that only increase all of these negative realities in our lives. We’re so busy we don’t search for a growing awareness, so we’re not consciously aware of God’s constant presence with us, and we end up being fearful to really commit ourselves to Him, and others, in all we do. It’s a vicious cycle of defeat. But Jesus said, “I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly!” It’s an exclamation, not a statement too! He really meant it, yet we don’t seem to find it. As we begin this new year of 2018, I’d like to take you on a journey toward greater confidence. Whether you call it abundance or confidence, it’s the same difference. God intended us to live with an abundance, a confidence. And, as with our salvation, this confident step into 2018 will being with faith. Today we continue in week two of the this and discuss “Living by the Code”.