
Part 4: The Rules

Starting Point

January 24, 2021 • Ronnie Rothe

If you were raised in a religious home or attended a religious school, it was probably the rules that made you question whether religion had a place in your future. Perhaps these rules associated with the faith tradition you were raised in made you feel judged. Maybe that faith community ostracized you. Whatever your case, most religious rules run contrary to human nature. And being the human that you are, that’s a problem. In spite of that, all faith systems agree that in order to be in good standing, followers need to keep the rules. But here’s something you may have never considered before. Rules always assume a relationship. And when it comes to God, he established “rules” as a confirmation of a relationship with him, not a condition for a relationship with him.

Part 1: The Question

January 3, 2021 • Ronnie Rothe

The starting point for faith is not a Bible story. It’s not even the Bible. It's an event that leads to a question.

Part 2: The Problem

January 10, 2021 • Ronnie Rothe

Let’s talk about sin baby…let’s talk about you and me. OK but seriously, sin is an uncomfortable word. It’s so uncomfortable that we’ve pretty much abandoned it. We do everything we can do avoid that word. But here’s the real deal. Sin harms our relationship with God and our relationships with other people. So we must talk about it.

Part 3: Right Standing

January 17, 2021 • Ronnie Rothe

The introduction of sin into the human experience left God with somewhat of a dilemma if you will. Where would He begin the task of restoring the world from the effects of sin? Best we can tell, He had a choice to make. Either destroy the sin-infected world and start over, or roll up His sleeves and go to work fixing it, restoring everything to what He originally created it to be.