
Fact or Fiction

Women Matter

July 29, 2018 • Robert Glenn Smith

#MeToo has recently included the Church. What might we do to correct the wrongs of the past without rejecting what the Scriptures teach with regard to our God ordained purposes? It may all begin with one simple http://statement...women Matter.

I had a dream

July 22, 2018 • Robert Glenn Smith

Ever had a dream? Ever had a dream that radically turned your life upside down? Would you like to hear a story about how that http://happened...twice?

Only perfect people allowed

July 15, 2018 • Robert Glenn Smith

Common sense tells us that Saul should have been feared and avoided. So, why did Ananias risk everything to bring him into the family?

Fact or Fiction: The miraculous is often the obvious.

July 8, 2018 • Robert Glenn Smith

Sometimes we are unable to notice the miraculous at work because we have become too familiar. We fail to ask questions. So, what might the obvious and unnoticed miraculous things we miss in the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch and Philip? And what might it mean for us?

The Holy Spirit is a power.

June 24, 2018 • Robert Glenn Smith

Mexico enlisted the help of the Grand Warlock of Mexico to help break their World Cup curse. In Acts Philip came across the Grand Warlock of Samaria who desired the power he saw given to new Christians. What can we learn from how he went about trying to acquire it and the response of Peter?

The first martyr was a preacher.

June 10, 2018 • Robert Glenn Smith

Stephen was put in charge of food logistics. In modern times he would be sitting in a cubicle working on a computer. So, why was he killed for his faith? And how does it apply to us today?

God strikes people dead

June 3, 2018 • Robert Glenn Smith

What does the story of Annanias and Sapphira teach us? There may be a couple of surprising things.