
October 2017 Business Meeting

Finance/Building Update; Ryan Welsh with Sojourn Network; Elder Team Q+A

October 29, 2017

On Sunday, October 29th, we held a business meeting for anyone who calls Refuge home. In the meeting, we covered the items listed below:

Dan Berkholder gave us a Financial update on giving, expenses, and savings—as well as our current process with our building purchase.

Pastor Ryan Welsh visited us from Sojourn Network, a church planting network we have been exploring partnership with for about a year now. He gave a short, informational talk about what Sojourn Network is and what partnership would look like for us.

The Elder Team and Ryan Welsh then held an open Q&A about Sojourn, Finances, or any other subject people had questions about.

If you have any questions after watching, don't hesitate to contact us at brian@refugeutah.org and we'd be happy to talk!