
6/21/24: How To Find Healing From Eating Disorders

June 21, 2024 • Michael Rozell

Pastor Michael Rozell explains how to find healing from eating disorders by giving us the root cause of many of these disorders. It's not just about eating right, exercising and taking care of our bodies. There's a deeper cause to relationship with food.

Whether its gluttony, food addiction, anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorders, many of them take root in our relationship to ourselves and our upbringing. Maybe we weren't loved properly as a child so we became image conscious. Maybe we grew up poor and overeat for fear of starvation.

Maybe addiction runs in our family and rather than turning to substances, we turn to food.

Some of our eating disorders can even be the result of mental, physical, emotional or even sexual abuse.

Whatever the cause is, there is always hope, healing and freedom found through Christ's finished work on the cross.