
8/18/24: Salt. Candles. Fractals

Living As Salt & Light

August 18, 2024 • David Tyler Shull • Matthew 5:13–16

Creative Pastor, DT, reminds us that we're called to be salt and light in this world, as Jesus teaches in Matthew 5:13-16. This isn't just about personal piety, but about actively transforming our society. Salt preserves and flavors, while light dispels darkness. As Christians, we're meant to preserve God's truth and illuminate the world around us. The early church exemplified this by radically changing the brutal Roman world through love, charity, and dignity for all. Today, we're challenged to live out our faith in equally transformative ways, addressing the issues that frustrate us most about our world. Whether it's education, politics, or social issues, we're called to be the change we want to see, not just complain from the sidelines. This active faith is what leads to true revival – not just filled churches, but changed hearts and societies.