
Do You Know Your God?

RTS Jackson Chapel

April 13, 2022 • Dr. Bruce Baugus • Philippians 2:5–8

Identity in Christ
Bruce P. Baugus is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, where he has taught courses in systematic theology, philosophical theology, ethics, and apologetics since 2008. He is the author of Reformed Moral Theology (forthcoming) and China’s Reforming Churches: Mission, Polity, and Ministry in the Next Christendom (editor, both by Reformation Heritage Books), as well as numerous chapters, articles, papers, and reviews. He also frequently contributes to popular outlets like reformation21.org and Tabletalk.
A teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), Bruce has served on the General Assembly’s theological examining committee, is a past moderator of the Presbytery of Mississippi Valley, and past chair of that body’s Credentials Committee. He is currently serving Trinity Presbyterian Church, part time, as their interim senior pastor. and sits on the board of two institutions involved in the global development of Reformed theological education and regularly teaches overseas and around the country.
Born in Easton, Maryland, Bruce holds degrees from Penn State (BS in geography, 1996), Southern Seminary (MDiv, 1999), and Calvin Theological Seminary (Ph.D., philosophical theology, 2009). He is married to Tricia and they have two sons.