
Amos - Introduction and God's People and the Nations

Lesson 3 Lecture 1

March 1, 2003 • Dr. Richard L. Pratt

Discuss the evidence related to the location and time of Amos' ministry. What were the social and religious conditions of that time?

Discuss Pratt's view of the time of final composition for Amos. What is the overarching literary structure of Amos? What was the basic purpose of the book?

Describe the literary structure of Amos 1:2-3:8. What was the surprise for the original hearers (and readers) contained in this passage? How does Amos 1:2-3:8 demonstrate the variations in judgment for people in the covenant and not in the covenant?

Describe the literary structure of Amos 9:11-15. What hopes did this passage offer the original hearers (and readers)?