
The Mystery and Beauty of God's Design

RTS Atlanta Grimke Lectures

February 19, 2024 • Laura Perry Smalts • Genesis 1:27

As part of the Edmiston Center‘s Grimké Lecture Series at RTS Atlanta, Laura Perry Smalts speaks on the beauty of God’s design for gender. Her lecture is entitled “The Mystery and Beauty of God’s Design: Theology of Bearing His Image in Male and Female.”

Laura Perry Smalts is a burgeoning theologian and former transgender whose message of transformation through Jesus Christ to restore her feminine identity speaks to those who struggle, those who have transitioned, their parents and loved ones, and those in the church who want to reach them. She's the author of Transgender to Transformed, and lives with her husband in Oklahoma City. Come hear Laura glorify Christ, and share on the beauty of God's design for gender.