
Revival Apologetics

A Defense of Revival

Revival Apologetics

December 2, 2018

There was great joy was in Samaria, a city once paralyzed with demonic spirits, when the scattered children of God began preaching deliverance under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Pastor Kevin Wallace finishes the Revival Apologetics series by describing a scene of deliverance in Acts 8:3-8 where demons came out of people with loud shrieks. When God moves, chains began breaking and their clash sometimes creates temporary chaos. Evicted, the devil often manifests in screaming. There is no need to fear, however. When Jesus Christ delivers he brings freedom. And suddenly great joy breaks throughout the city.


November 25, 2018

Saved to call heaven our home, often like Lazarus summoned from the grave, we are not free from the grave clothes to feel it. Continuing with the Revival Apologetics series pastor Kevin Wallace explains freedom and deliverance in Jesus Christ. Like the people “vexed” in Luke 6:18, God’s precious sons and daughters are attacked, tormented, and stolen from. All the while they are taught by religion to “take it in the chin” for we all suffer. But Christ the Deliverer is here! We don’t have to wait until heaven to feel joy.

Falling Out

November 11, 2018

What does it mean to fall out in the spirit or what is actually happening when we speak in tongues? To some this is a foreign concept, but we must put aside the basic fundamentals of the gospel and begin to experience and learn the many baptisms of God.