
____ The Overcomer

Jesus the Overcomer

April 8, 2018

More from Overcomer

More than Conquerors

April 29, 2018

You were not meant to just survive. You were not meant to just get by, but through Christ who loves us, we become more than conquerors. Everything Satan has tried to do against you has just been a launching pad to get you from glory to glory.

The Reward of the Overcomer: Part 2

April 22, 2018

Pastor Kevin continues the series in the book of Revelation where John wrote to the 7 churches of Asia-minor. Some were commended, but most rebuked. We can apply these to our own life in recognizing the threat of our condition and the reward of overcoming.

The Reward of the Overcomer

April 15, 2018

If you are going through any type of struggle or challenge in your faith, take hope that Jesus wants you to know that it's just part of the journey and that there is a reward for the overcomer.