
Hope for my Faith

December 20, 2020 • Ps Joshua McCauley

We are not His performance but His performance! This is part. 5 of Pandemic of Hope Series.

The bible says we must look UNTO Jesus not simply to Jesus. (Hebrews 12:2)
This simply means we are to look in all things UNTO Jesus. Living and doing life through and for Him. The question then arrises, "Where do you look to for your faith ?"
Many of us look to our own faith, resilience and will power. Even looking to circumstances and processes. In this sermon Ps. Joshua McCauley speaks honestly about looking unto Jesus in this time. Let your faith always come from that pure place where it's all about Him.

Hope for Relationships

December 20, 2020 • Ps Joshua McCauley

WELCOME to this week's REDEMPTION SERMON with our Senior Pastor Ps Joshua McCauley Today we’ll continue with Pandemic of Hope Part 3. We'll hear all about the importance of Spiritual Warfare starting with setting your house in order. Bringing relationships to the throne of Grace is at the forefront of the armour of God (Ephesians 6:10). This is one of the areas in life that the enemy targets to take believers out. Ps Joshua takes us on an in depth teaching on relationships through the sense of the Hope of Jesus. Get ready to take new territory in your spiritual walk.

Hope for your life

December 13, 2020 • Ps Marcel Gaasenbeek

WELCOME to this week's REDEMPTION SERMON with our Netherland's Church speaker Ps Marcel Gaasenbeek Today we’ll continue with Pandemic of Hope Part 2. We'll hear all about counting all joy as we have a hope for our own personal life

Hope for Eternity

December 6, 2020 • Ps Joshua McCauley

Pandemic of Hope | Pt 1 | Hope for Eternity - Ps Joshua McCauley| Before we can have hope for anything else God wants to know that we are established in a HOPE for ETERNITY. God has been so good this year, let's see all He has done! THERE WAS AND IS HOPE FOR US! ___________________________________________________________ #hopeforeternity #eternity #hope #pandemicofhope