
Faith Preservers

February 12, 2023 • Stu Fuhlendorf • James 1:1–18

February 12 starting 90week series on book of James


Faith Perseveres

James 1:1-18

God’s hand moves us into and out of trials, tribulations, and temptations. These are inevitable and He intends these situations to deepen our faith.   

Questions to Consider: 

How do unbelievers you know attempt to make it through life’s painful circumstances? How do you persevere through such times?

If true faith perseveres to the end, how is this not a way of earning your salvation?

Explain how believing in God’s sovereignty through our trials and tribulations as Christians are crucial to persevering faith.

Since God is sovereign, does this mean that we are not at fault when we give in to sin?

If someone slides away and has no interest in being a Christian due to a tribulation, what should we conclude about that person’s faith? How would you counsel that person?

More from James

Online Worship

April 23, 2023 • Stu Fuhlendorf • James

Faith that endures to the end is humble before the sovereignty of God, obedient to His Will, confident in His justice, patient in suffering, trustworthy in speech, prayerful in sorrow, and loving toward sinners.  

Online Second Service

April 16, 2023 • Stu Fuhlendorf • James 3—4

Online Worship

April 16, 2023 • Stu Fuhlendorf • James