
Made in the Image of God - Part 1

January 14, 2024 • Stu Fuhlendorf • Genesis 1:26—2:4

Sunday, January 14

9:00 & 10:30 AM

Made in the Image of God - Part One

Genesis 1:26-2:4

God creates people in His image as male and female – depicting the Imago Dei. God creates human beings with value and worth, and evolution has been proven to be a false theory. 

Questions to Consider:

How is the description of the creation of man in verse 26 different from all the other creatures that God created (compared to Genesis 1:24)? 

What do you think it means when Genesis 1:26 tells us that mankind was made in the image of God (Imago Dei)?

Why do you think Scripture specifically states that mankind, both male and female, was made in His image?

What task does God assign to mankind in Genesis 1:28?

How is the World mandate that God gives Adam & Eve in verse 28 a continuation or an extension of being made in the image of God?