
Redemption is Mission

The Pillars of Redemption Hills Church

October 31, 2022 • Stu Fuhlendorf • Acts

Learn about Redemption Hills church during this 7 week series. We are in week 4.

Over seven weeks, Pastor Stu will share with us the values of Redemption Hills Church. So far we have covered the vision statement and mission statement that our Elder Board. Hear more on what Redemption Hills Church (RHC) is all about in light of where God has brought us and where He is leading us and what that will look as we move into next year.
Last week Pastor Stu shared about our first Pillar: FAMILY
our second pillar is MISSION - this is week Four of Seven. Learn what it is to Mission to others, how rhc is acting out MISSION in our community and Missions we have in Iraq and Mexico. We can be praying for them and in considering how all of us can Mission.
We all face some tribulation and persecution for something that we care about. There is no greater mission than sharing the Good News, sharing Jesus!

Redemption Is: Call to Action

November 20, 2022 • Stu Fuhlendorf • Isaiah 64:1–9

Redemption Is. . . Pastor Stu will put our Vision, Mission and Four Pillars together in this final call to action sermon.

Redemption is Worship

November 13, 2022 • Stu Fuhlendorf

Redemption Is . . . Worship We are continuing our 7-week series on the vision and mission of the Redemption Hills family and where God is leading us. This week we will be in our fourth and last pillar: Worship

Redemption is Growth

November 6, 2022 • Stu Fuhlendorf • Ephesians 4:22–32

Learn more about the Vision, Values and Mission of Redemption Hills Church. Growth is not about numbers it is about you! At Redemption we care about your growth in Christ. After you become a Christian, it doesn't stop there.....