
Faith Loves

February 26, 2023 • Stu Fuhlendorf • James 1:26—2:13

Faith Loves 

James 1:26-2:13

True relationship with Jesus must include controlled speech, sacrificial care for those in need, and clear separation from the world, all as a manifestation of faith expressing itself through love.   

Questions to Consider: 

Name some specific ways our Christian culture has twisted the message of New Testament Christianity. 

What is the difference between Christian “religion” and all other forms of religion?

What are some ways you have shown favoritism – even unintentionally – to those in your circle of influence? How have you seen favoritism play out in churches?

Why does showing mercy depend on receiving mercy, and how does the message of the Gospel fit into this understanding?

List some ways James’s teaching mirrors the ministry and teaching of Jesus in the Gospels.

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