
Faith Obeys

February 19, 2023 • James 1:19–25

Faith Obeys 

James 1:19-25

As Christians, we are to follow Christ by receiving God’s Word humbly, remembering it continuously, and obeying it wholeheartedly.   

Questions to Consider: 

What role should God’s Word play in our pursuit of Christlikeness?

Explain this statement: “the Word that requires obedience empowers obedience.”

Can you think of people you know who profess to follow Christ Jesus but show no evidence of being saved? How can you grow in this area?

List some areas of your life where you’ve said you’re willing to obey but you’re not actively obeying.

How is James’s call for obedience different from an attempt to earn a right standing before God? How would you define works-righteousness?

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