
An Event so Good it's Scary!

October 29, 2021
3:30 - 5:30pm

Join us for the annual daytime trick-or-treating event in downtown St. Johns! Redeemer Church will be setting up a pop-up tent on Railroad St. next to Briggs Public Library to pass out treats for the area trick-or-treaters. Costumes are not necessary, but they're fun! This event is open to anyone in the community, so feel free to bring friends and family. We need volunteers on Wednesday, Oct 27th 11am-12pm to fill treat bags at the St. Johns Campus. We also need people to help pass out candy on the 29th during the event. If you'd like to help out, find both sign up slots on our #bethechurch sign up form. If you have questions about anything, contact Marie at the St. John's campus.