
Word, Prayer, Mission, and Me!

A Living Sacrifice

January 24, 2021 • David Atkins

God's Word: Walk | Keep | Seek

January 3, 2021 • David Atkins

God's blessing is promised to those who will orient their lives around his word and bring themselves under the bible's authority. Walking in his ways, keeping his statutes, and seeking him with all one's heart means that our everyday actions should be in accord with his righteous rules, we are to commit ourselves to know and believe God's word, regardless of popular opinion, and our affections — our wants and desires — should be oriented to pursue God's word and ways. These transformed affections come from a new heart that Christ gives those who come to him in faith.

Pray then...

January 10, 2021 • David Atkins

Prayer is necessary. Spiritual battles are only won with spiritual weapons. There are hindrances to prayer, chief among them is pride. There is are priorities in prayer: God and his kingdom. Prayer is first worship-based.

The Power and Obligation of the Gospel

January 17, 2021 • David Atkins

This overview of the Gospel, its power and the mission, is found in the powerful letter to the Romans. The mission we are obligated to in light of the Gospel is one of our 3 core values. Some aspects of the Gospel in this sermon: The Gospel is God rescuing sinners who cannot in any way rescue themselves. God counts as righteous the unrighteous — not through their work, but through the work of Jesus the Son. This is the good news. The Gospel is the possession of Jesus, has Jesus as its focus, and is accomplished by Jesus. Salvation is his work from start to finish. God empowers the Gospel for salvation, and his salvation is received by faith in Christ's finished work. The Gospel obligates those who have received Christ's Gospel to declare it to those who remain outside of salvation in Christ.