
Lent 2020

Holy Week Devotional

April 9, 2020 • Rev. Josh Hahne & Rev. Adam Feichtmann

Happy Maundy Thursday! In light of the current situation, we are not having our annual Maundy Thursday Communion Worship Service this evening. Instead, pastors Josh and Adam have recorded a 35 Minute Guided Holy Week Home Devotional. Easter is rapidly approaching and this video will help us intentionally slow down and prepare for the greatest celebration of the Christian year. Josh and Adam will take turns guiding us through readings and prayers focused specifically on the three days directly before Jesus' resurrection: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Sometime over the next three days before Easter, plan to carve out 35 minutes by yourself or with your family and be guided through these readings and prayers as we prepare together for Easter.

Palm Sunday: Triumph & Suffering

April 5, 2020 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann

Palm Sunday is the trojan horse of the church calendar. We come prepared for a festive celebration, waving palm branches and cheering the arrival of our long-awaited king, and then each year we are surprised by way Jesus really came. Yes, Jesus came in triumph, but he also came in suffering. Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. A week that leads us to the foot of the cross, and then to the glory of the empty tomb. We cannot get to Easter without first going through Good Friday. This Sunday I will preach a Palm Sunday sermon on Jesus’ “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem from the Gospel of Matthew 21:1-11. You can best prepare for this by reading, meditating, and praying through both the Matthew text and Philippians 2:5-11. I look forward to worshiping with you all together (virtually) at 10AM, and hopefully seeing many of you online for our first ever Zoom Narthex Gatherings before and/or after the worship service. See login details below. Pastor Adam

40 Days

March 1, 2020 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann

40 Days. Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert before he began his public ministry! This is the opposite of hitting the ground running. It‘s completely counter intuitive to how most of us understand productivity. The season of Lent began two days ago on Ash Wednesday. The church is now on its historical 40 day journey through a desert as it prepares for the joy of Easter. For the first Sunday in Lent, we will study Jesus’ 40 days in the desert from Matthew 4:1-11. As we reflect on Jesus’ 40 days, we will likewise reflect what our 40 days of Lent will look like. To prepare for Sunday - read, meditate, and pray through Matthew 4:1-11. If you haven’t already picked up our Lent Guide, click here for a downloaded version. May it help you prepare for the joy of Easter. This weekend is also our Men’s Retreat in Malibu. For the men who will be there, Aaron Renn will be teaching on Friday and Saturday through 2 Timothy on masculinity. On Sunday morning Pastor Josh will wrap up the retreat by preaching on 1 Corinthians 16:13-14. Looking forward to worshiping on Sunday with most of you, as well and enjoying the retreat with the men in Malibu! Pastor Adam