
Praying The Lord's Prayer: Our Daily Bread

Matthew 6:9-13

October 7, 2018 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann

Greed or need?

In your prayers of petition, are you able to identify whether your requests are based on greed or need? Reflect back over your most recent prayers of petition and ask yourself if they leaned more in the direction of greed or need.

Jesus in the fourth petition of the Lord's Prayer teaches his disciples to ask God to "Give us this day our daily bread." Bread is food at its most basic level. It represents our essential needs to survive. Most of us at Redeemer are surrounded by material affluence and thus in our prayer lives we might have the temptation to skip over this fourth petition. However, upon deeper reflection, the fourth petition might actually be the most relevant petition in the Lord's Prayer to us!

Prepare with me for worship on Sunday by reading, meditating, and praying the Lord's Prayer from the Gospel of Matthew 6:9-13. Pause and take a few minutes to ponder the fourth petition. Ask God what your most basic needs are, how he is providing for you, and how you can deepen your dependence on him.

I look forward to worshiping and praying with you this Sunday!

Pastor Adam