
A God of Vengeance

Nahum 1

October 20, 2019 • Rev. Josh Hahne

This week we begin our study of the minor prophet, Nahum. Like Jonah, Nahum muses upon the nature or character of God. Like Jonah, Nahum starts with God's famous description of himself spoken to Moses in Exodus 34, stating that, "God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love… but who will by no means clear the guilty…” Unlike Jonah, Nahum’s focus is on the final section, that God is a God of vengeance.

Join us this Sunday as we learn about God’s character and what that means for both the ancient Ninevehites as well as for us.

From last week... we recently concluded our time in Jonah 4 the same way the book concludes—with questions for contemplation. Some of your asked for those questions:

1. What does it mean to be the people of God in a fallen world?
2. Does our church love the lost (Lk 13:34)? Do they know that we love them?
3. Will we, like Jesus, not only be willing to be inconvenienced and insulted for lost but spend our lives in love for others?
4. Do you have gospel amnesia? Have you forgotten the grace you have received?
5. How are you participating in mission of God? Do you see your vocation, family, your ordinary obedience, and your various relationships—with neighbors, coworkers, friends, etc.—as part of God’s mission?
6. Do you have friends that are not Christians? Do you pray for them? Do you practice hospitality?
7. Is your heart for the world like God’s heart for the world?

See you on Sunday