
Praying The Lord's Prayer: Our Father

Matthew 6:5-13

September 2, 2018 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann

Brief. Intense. Frequent. Those are the words that Martin Luther used to describe what prayer should be like.

Do you think a healthy prayer life = long prayers on your knees for hours?

This Sunday we are beginning a new fall sermon series on the Lord's Prayer in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 6. Over the weeks we will see how Jesus offered a corrective to some of the poor prayer practices of his day, and also learn how he taught his disciples to pray a 30-second prayer. A prayer which is simple for children and yet profound for theologians.

In preparation for this Sunday, spend a few minutes slowly reading the Gospel of Matthew 6:5-13. Pause on each of the petitions in the prayer to meditate and pray through its significance in your life. May your prayers be brief, yet intense, and frequent as you ponder this text over the next few days and months.

I look forward to worshiping with you all together on Sunday!

Pastor Adam