
Praying The Lord's Prayer: Thy Will Be Done

Matthew 6:9-13

September 30, 2018 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann

What is the point of prayer?

In the the third petition of the Lord's Prayer, which is "Thy will be done," Jesus answers that question. In most of our lives, and even more specifically in our prayer lives, we desire for our will to be done. Jesus teaches the disciples, and us today, that the point of prayer is alignment. That we need to be people who learn to align our will to God's will.

Alignment of our will to God's will is no easy task. To best prepare for our sermon, take a few minutes and ask yourself if in your prayers you are often trying to align your will to God's will, or if you are trying to have God somehow align his will to yours?

I look forward to worshiping and praying with you all this Sunday!

Pastor Adam