
The Mothers of Jesus: Rahab

Joshua 2:1-14, 23-24

December 9, 2018 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann

Woman. Prostitute. Gentile. Rahab was the ultimate outsider.

Join us this Sunday for the second week of our Advent series on The Mothers of Jesus. Matthew in his gospel account includes five women, five mothers, in Jesus' genealogy as a way to help his readers prepare for and anticipate the birth story of Jesus. As we too prepare for and anticipate the birth of Jesus, each Sunday during Advent and on Christmas Eve we are looking at the characters and stories of each of these five women. Last week we looked at Tamar and this Sunday we will be studying Rahab.

To best prepare for this Sunday, spend some time reading about Rahab. Her story is found in Joshua chapters 2 and 6, as well as James 2:25-26 and Hebrews 11:31. Notice and reflect on the truth that God specifically chose the ultimate outsider to be an example of godly faith and works. He reversed expectations and is proud that she is highlighted in Jesus genealogy.

I look forward to worshiping with your this second Sunday of Advent as we wait and prepare together for the great celebration of Christmas!

Pastor Adam