
After Darkness, Light.

January 2, 2022 • Isaiah 60:1–5, John 1:1–18, Genesis 3:15

“We love stories for countless reasons. Two considerations may be the way they allow us to see the world or the hope they offer us in moments of love, peace, and joy. Stories also help us make sense of the darkness in our lives. That darkness comes in many forms; illness, grief, sorrow, struggle, etc. Christmas is the ultimate story through which our own stories come together as darkness is pushed back and overtaken with light. This Sunday, we will be in the Prologue of John’s Gospel together and ask; how does my story fit into God’s story? First, we will hear the good news that Christmas is for people who find themselves lost in darkness. Then, we will hear of Christ’s coming into the world to be with us and to reverse the curse of that darkness.”

Danny Morgan