
Gospel Truths & Christian Suffering

Romans 5:1-11

March 29, 2020 • Rev. Josh Hahne

G. K. Chesterton said, “Jesus promised his disciples three things: that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy, and in constant trouble.” This Sunday we’ll study Romans 5:1-11 and consider how the truths of the gospel change our lives, even how we face trouble.

We can’t meet in person but every Sunday we’ll continue to worship God, study his word, and seek him in prayer. Tune in online and be bold to send our link to a friend or coworker to invite them to join with us.

Join us online this Sunday at 10am as we worship God and hear from him in his word.

Pastor Josh

Joy in the Midst of Crisis

March 22, 2020 • Rev. Josh Hahne

How are you doing? How is your heart? What is your emotional experience like? This Sunday we’ll consider Paul’s instruction in Philippians 4, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” How is it that the Christian can experience joy, contentment, and fullness of well being while in the midst of trying circumstances? What does Paul know where we often struggle even in the best of circumstances? Join us online this Sunday at 10am as we worship God and hear from him in his word. Pastor Josh

How do you respond to a crisis?

March 15, 2020 • Rev. Josh Hahne

How do you respond to crisis?  A courageous Christian if ever there was one, Elizabeth Elliot, says, “Fear God and become fearless.”  Similarly, the key word that I’ll be speaking about this Sunday, from Psalm 11, is unflappable.   Join with your church community on Sunday at 10 am by listening to this teaching ONLINE or on the APP and seeking the Lord in prayer.