
The Birth of Jesus Foretold

December 19, 2021 • Rev. Chris Stratton, Steven Cooper • 1 Samuel 2:1–10, Isaiah 11:1–10, Luke 1:26–38

This week both Josh & Adam are out sick, but we are grateful to welcome Rev. Steven Cooper back to Redeemer OC. Steven served as our Associate Pastor under Jim Belcher and was a great blessing to our church family before taking a senior pastoral role in San Diego.

In worship we'll be considering the angelic announcement to Mary, that God will use her to save the world. As wondrous as this news is, the Lord's plan will not be easy for Mary. It's almost never easy for us either! Nonetheless, in a triumph of faith and vision, Mary sees herself as a servant of the Lord and is ready to participate in his plan, whatever that may mean.

Join us on Sunday to learn more about God's plan, faith in the midst of suffering, and how community makes a difference.

Pastor Josh