
I Will Build My Church

Matthew 16:13-20

January 12, 2020 • Rev. Josh Hahne

We hear it relentlessly from popular media sources—the church is in trouble, membership is down, and the nones are on the rise. The widespread narrative is that Christianity is failing and its inevitable demise looms large.

Jesus says, "I will build my church.”

Join us this Sunday as we consider Christ’s words. It is the first of several weeks in which we’ll be thinking about what it means to be a church and how we at Redeemer OC can grow into Jesus’ vision for his people.


What happens when you give?

February 23, 2020 • Rev. Josh Hahne

Christians think differently about money, or at least they should. We follow a Christ who valued others above his personal comfort and was therefore willing to give of himself in love. This Sunday we are talking about giving. It’s the least requested sermon topic, ever. But it is a necessary topic if we are to think about our finances as Christians. Join us this Sunday as we conclude our series on The Rhythms of our Life Together by answering the question—What happens when you give? Josh


February 17, 2020 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann

Imagine your friends and neighbors visiting Redeemer on a Sunday, and the one word they used to describe our church was: “hospitable.”  Historically until the eighteenth century the church was always known for her hospitality. Sadly, we have lost that characteristic, and it’s my prayer that we will be able to recover it for the sake of our friends and neighbors. How beautiful would it be if your friends and neighbors felt welcomed and at home in our church?!  And not because we entertain people (hospitality is not entertainment). But rather because each us of have been welcomed by Christ into the household of God and we cannot help but show others that same welcome. Over the past month Pastor Josh has preached on our church’s Rhythm of Life Together: Worship. Formation. Mission. Culture. Now for the next two Sundays, before we enter the season of Lent, we are going to study two important practices that we pray Redeemer becomes known for: Hospitality this Sunday and Giving/Generosity on February 23rd.  To prepare for our study of hospitality I would suggest reading, meditating, and praying through Matthew 25:31-46, Romans 15:7, and Hebrews 13:1-2. As you do, reflect on how Christ has welcomed you and how you can welcome others as Christ. I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!  Pastor Adam

The Rhythm of our Life Together - Culture

February 10, 2020 • Rev. Josh Hahne

What does it mean to be the image & likeness of God? How should that change me? In 2020 we have been thinking about our rhythms of life together as a church in light of Jesus vision for his people explained in the Great Commission. Thus far we’ve considered worship, formation, and mission. This week we take up culture, by which we mean the way we are sent into the world to develop and cultivate God’s creation. Join us on Sunday as we seek to answer the above questions. Josh