
Not Our Own

1 Corinthians 6:12-20

February 11, 2018 • Rev. David Juelfs

Wait… gimme that back. That’s mine!

Read 1Corinthians 6:12-20 closely and we may feel like Jesus is taking something from us; something more intrinsically and intuitively ours than anything else. God says that we are not our own. That we have been bought with a price – the life and death of Jesus. In our passage Paul applies this reality to our sexual lives, but this truth of course touches everything.

In preparation for our worship together and for God to speak to us through his preached word, wrestle with this statement from 1Corinthians 6:19-20 , “You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.” Let’s be honest with ourselves. Why do we hate this? In what ways is this deeply offensive? Why do we also love and long for this? Why do we ignore this reality and live as if it were not true?

I can’t wait to worship together.

Pastor David

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